eNtsa | Specialised Engineering Technology & Consulting Services

eNtsa training academy registration


Thank you for your interest in the Safety System Integration and Design Course.  We look forward to hosting you at another insightful and engaging session as scheduled: 

         Date:                        15 November 2022 and 16 November 2022
         Time:                        08:00 – 13:00         
         Online platform:     Ms Teams  

Programme of the Day
The following programme can be expected for the course:  

Day 1
08:15 – 0830                  Audio / Video checks
08:30 – 08:35                 Welcome and introductions
08:35 – 10:30                 Training session 1
10:30 – 10:55                 Break / Leg stretch
10:55 – 12:55                 Training session 2
12:55 – 13:00                 Final Questions and Closing
Day 2
08:15 – 0830                   Audio / Video checks
08:30 – 08:35                  Welcome and announcements
08:35 – 10:30                  Training session 1
10:30 – 10:55                  Break / Leg stretch
10:55 – 12:55                  Training session 2
12:55 – 13:00                  Final Questions and Closing

Course Outline
Topics to be covered include:    

Why should machines be safe? 
Introduction to machinery safety
What is Risk/Harm?
What are hazards?
How to do a risk assessment
Risk reduction
Importance of a fail safe control system
History of automation
Safety components and numbering conventions
Safety Component overview
Positive guided relays
Wiring examples
ISO 13849 Architecture examples
Final examples (home study) 

To register please click on

Important documentation
To finalise your registration you will be required to sign a quotation and a client capture form and submit the completed forms with a legible copy of your ID.

Please note that we can only issue an invoice once we have received your signed quotation, client capture form and a legible copy of your ID document.

To register please click on the Start button below.